Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Computers and Blues

As with every new The Streets album, I'm hoping for another Original Pirate Material. Yet again I'm dissapointed. Mike Skinners last four albums where alright, Computers and Blues inlcuded, but just that. A couple of weeks on the iPod, then deemed unworthy by the delete button. OPM got stuck. 8 years and several mp3 players later, and still changes something in me when I listen to it. Walking to the bus acting like I'm some badass straight out of the garage scene in England, not remembering that the last time I was in London people looked at me funny when my mouth spewed out some wierd american/english/norwegian sentence. Standing there in my far from fashionable all-weather jacket and hiking shoes. Luckily OPM are helping me supress those memories. And as with those memories, Skinners other albums will fade out.
Computers and Blues didn't even make it further then Spotify.
Give it try though, Skinners old urban poetry still sneaks out now and again. And if you're, unlike me, a post OPM fan, I'm sure you'll enjoy it very much. 

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